
Cracking the NBA Draft - Preparation for the Exam

Boston Celtics Draft Prospect Jeremy Tyler of the Tokyo Apache

If you have somehow not heard of ESPN Boston's Chris Forsberg or his Boston Celtics Report, you are not only missing out on some great Celtics beat writing, but more recently you have been missing one of the most comprehensive Draft Previews in team history. Forsberg and his young intern Greg Payne have been breaking down 1st and 2nd round prospects that have worked out, rumored to be on the board for the 25th/55th pick or are just Chad Ford's latest infatuation. They aren't focused on top 10 picks, Kurt Rambis' homework for David Kahn or bogus trade rumors, rather they refreshingly give us a peek at some legitimate prospects for C's.

Head over to their 2011 Draft Profile for a closer look, but here's just a glimpse of what they've been discussing:


Mama, There Goes That Man - The End of the Mark Jackson Era

While the water cooler debates over "King James" will rage on, Mark Jackson's time as an ABC/ESPN Commentator, and also sadly the Mark Jackson drinking game, has come to an end. It seems like yesterday that Jackson took over as lead analyst, but in reality it was almost 5 years ago. An amazing run particularly, as CA Clark so perfectly stated, for one who's "stylings are like a cross between Hubie Brown and Scotty Brooks, except if you were to remove any indication whatsoever that the speaker has ever even seen the game of basketball." While I'm certain Jackson's postgame press conferences and half-time speeches will be a treasure trove for generations to come, this is truly an end of an era.

Who does ABC/ESPN have on tap for a Jackson replacement? That is yet to be determined, but that has not stopped me from coming up with some tremendous candidates...

The Former NBA Player Pick (& logical choice):

Shaq. Charles Barkley has already stated “Somebody’s gonna be fired" to make room for him. Could that make Van Gundy the odd man out and a future assistant coach in Golden State?

The B-List Celebrity Pick:

Craig Kilborn. Obviously it would be impressive if ABC/ESPN pulled something major like Jack Nicholson, Spike Lee or even better Will Ferrell. But, that is not too likely, it really would probably have to be a B-Lister desperate for attention after numerous failures, ala Dennis Miller and Monday Night Football. Kilborn fits that to a T. Even more interesting, the career paths between Miller and Kilborn are almost identical, minus the time at Sportscenter, and like Miller he's a complete douche. ABC already has him signed to a deal so the stars a aligned!

The Wildcard Pick:

Flula Borg, the Bavarian-born German DJ.

Sadly it will probably be Reggie Miller, Jon Barry or Bill Simmons (I'm still voting for Flula). Even sadder, the bar I watched Game 6 in quickly changed the channel from the post-game show to Van Halen's Panama, thus I missed out on Jackson's final sign off, but one can only hope it was endearing as some of his trademark lines.

"Hands down, Man Down"

"Excuse me, I have a meeting with the rim!"

"You're better than that!"

"That's a grown man move right there."

"Come get in my poster!"

"...if you come out and compete anything can happen."


The Life Lessons of LeBron James

Start of the workday, everybody's looking for excuses not to check that pile of emails, to give themselves five minutes before the chaos begins. So what do we talk about? Basketball. LeBron James. Say what you will about the guy (and I will) but he gives us something to talk about.

So I tell my colleague, "You know, after Game 5, I'm starting to feel bad for the guy. It's like watching a train wreck. It's painful to watch him fail." And he responds, "Huh, you're just like my dad. Letting him off easy. The man brought this on himself. I don't feel bad for him. He's getting his life lesson. What you are watching is someone going through a life lesson."

I thought about that a lot. LeBron's going through his life lesson. There are things that he just doesn't get yet. He's still only 26. And try as hard as he might to say all the right things...with him they just come out wrong. It seems so phony and fake. Maybe that's why so many people don't like him.

When LeBron speaks he comes off, in the words of Holden Caufield, as a phony. He says he's about Team. He says he's about Loyalty (or at least he used to be). He stays humble. Says Jordan is the best. But no one believes him, because it looks like he's never totally believed the shit he's saying. It's like you can almost see through the act.

Just as we aren't buying it, life isn't buying it. The only thing is that life isn't buying it. And life is the one that is pushing LeBron to own up to what it really means to be a man, to really be about team, to really be about loyalty, to really be humble.

That's what we're watching here. A man going through his life lessons. We've all had them. We've all been kicked in the ass by life at one point or another. And you know, at least in my opinion, we're all better for it. Once we get the lesson we become better human beings. So we get to be witnesses of someone going through their life lesson. There was a time when Kobe went through his. We all got to witness it. It wasn't pretty. But we were all there.

That's one of the things I find fascinating about sports. You watch these players develop. You watch them go through their own personal trials and tribulations. It's like watching the arc of a soul's life, or a personalities development. And you don't know who they are going to become. You just get to watch as it happens. And like anything, what you think of that development really is a reflection of yourself. The things people see in LeBron, the things they like, the things they hate, are really a reflection of themselves, what they value, and what they feel, maybe more so than of LeBron himself.

ESPN had this great video of Skip Blayless and Chris Boussard arguing over LeBron and his legacy, and in it you can really see how people are piecing together LeBron's life, who he is, and what he is about, and how what we think of it really is a reflection of ourself.

Game Six tonight. Another glimpse of who LeBron James will become. I'm sure it will leave us with plenty to talk about tomorrow morning.